Reka the galga has been rescued by Association Gran Familia in Sevilla. She was found wandering in a lamentable state with open festering wounds, internal hemorage and bodily injuries. She was ready to give up. Luckily she was brought to the shelter in time. G.R.I.N. has donated our November E.A.F. (Emergency Assitance Fund) to help Reka's recovery. She is one of many who need our help, and we thank our donors for their contributions that help us help a shelter that needs the funds for her surgeries, and post operative care. They say that even with all the pain she has suffered, she is a love of a galga and wags her tail at the smallest affection and loves her bed and blankies. We wish Reka all the luck in the world and hope someone will open their heart to her in the near future. Donations are still needed..thank you.