Plants and pets are a natural combination. GRIN participated in the Grey Kitty Birthday Celebration & Pet Rescue Event at Tagawa Gardens on July 12 and 13. Each year, to honor their grey rescue kitty (each successive cat is named Grey Kitty!), the outstanding garden center in Parker, CO, hosts a free tabling event for local rescue groups. Flanked by Collie and Shelter Rescue and Colorado Greyhound Adoption, Judy Greenfield (owned by galga Prisa) and Gail Baxter (owned by galga Esperanza) staffed the table and answered questions. (Check out the new GRIN banner!). It was an opportunity to educate others, including fellow rescuers, about the plight of the galgo and podenco in Spain. Those who read the literature and absorbed the photos were visibly moved.
Everyone can educate and promote the galgo and podenco cause: all it takes is some GRIN business cards and your ambassadog. We need to spread the word, educate others, ask for help. The Spanish hunting dogs depend on it.
If you're interested in volunteering at or hosting an event, please send an email to